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Brain Fog Foods

Brain Fog Foods

Brain Fog Foods


What Is Neuroplasticity?
How Can Neuroplasticity Eliminate Brain Fog?
Why Should You Get Rid of Brain Fog?
What Factors Can Boost Neuroplasticity?
What Factors Can Curb Neuroplasticity?
Brain-Recovery Foods: How Crucial Is Nutrition in Overcoming Brain Fog?
What Are the Best Brain Fog Foods to Kickstart Plasticity and Help Your Neurons Bounce Back?

Fatigue, tension and inflammation can produce brain fog. If you don’t do something about it, it can become a way of life and gradually lead to cognitive decline. Fortunately, your brain can reprogram itself and ward off brain fog symptoms by a unique ability called “neuroplasticity.”

“Brain fog foods” are healthy eats that can promote brain plasticity. The right combination of nutrients unleashes powerful substances that can help you regain your mental focus.

In this article, we explain what neuroplasticity is, its triggers and suppressors, and how it can help reinvigorate your mind. We also talk about the best brain-recovery foods that can help bring you back to peak mental performance.

What Is Neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity is your brain's ability to rewire. It is part of normal growth and is shaped by your experiences. Neuroplastic changes occur both at the structural and functional levels.

At the structural level, neuroplasticity involves the following brain cell parts:

neurons synapses

  • Nucleus - It houses the DNA, which contains nature's instructions for making new neurons and signaling molecules. RNA is also found in it, aiding in DNA code translation.
  • Cell body - The structures here perform various functions, like food digestion, energy generation, neurotransmitter production, etc. Proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids abound in the cell body.
  • Axon - It extends from the cell body, transmitting signals to other neurons. Its membrane is high in omega-3s, which accelerate neural communication. Myelin, a choline-rich fatty covering, wraps around the axon to further boost signaling.
  • Dendrites - Dendrites are cell body extensions that receive signals from other neurons.
  • Synapse - A synapse connects one neuron to another. Most neuron-to-neuron signaling occurs here.

At the functional level, neuroplasticity involves the following processes:

  • Neurogenesis— the growth of new neurons.
  • Synaptogenesis— the formation of new neural connections. It is a straightforward process when only intact neurons are involved. When damaged nerve cells are present, synaptic connections are built around them.
  • Long-term potentiation (LTP)— the strengthening of repeatedly used synapses, making them more efficient at signaling.
  • Long-term depression (LTD)— when synaptic signaling weakens and slows down. It usually comes before synaptic pruning.
  • Synaptic pruning— the removal of unused synapses. It helps speed up the signals in neural networks that are used often.

Neuroplasticity is either adaptive or maladaptive, depending on the neural pathways you habitually use when responding to stress. Activating brain pathways that enable you to cope well leads to adaptive neuroplasticity. It sharpens your cognitive function, balances your mood and keeps you motivated. But letting the stress get to you can give you maladaptive neuroplasticity, leading to persistent brain fog, depression, anxiety and loss of motivation.

How Can Neuroplasticity Eliminate Brain Fog?

As in other body cells, balance inside every neuron is important. When an imbalance sets in the adult brain, restoration occurs but only to a limited extent. Unlike sunburned skin, which renews easily, it takes a while for neurons to overcome an imbalance because:

  • Unlike the skin, the brain has much fewer self-renewing cells. Self-renewing neurons in the human brain are located only in the hippocampus, olfactory nerves and inner brain cavities.
  • Mature brain cells have more complex structures than skin cells. Misfiring or severed axons and dendrites may regenerate, but it does not always readily occur.
  • Self-renewing cells can migrate to inflamed areas, but pro-inflammatory molecules kill them before reaching their destination.


“Neuroplastic changes can clear brain fog as they involve more than just cell regrowth. Moving the synapses around also improves brain function by creating new neural circuits. However, the speed of this process also depends on the number of intact neurons involved and how they are used.”

Why Should You Get Rid of Brain Fog?

Brain fog can keep you from successfully pursuing your goals, whether at home, work or school. You don’t get a lot of chances crushing a certification exam, getting a promotion or outwitting a chess grandmaster. What’s more, brain fog can be a symptom of a brewing mental health issue like Alzheimer’s disease or depression. So you should at least consult your doctor about it if it persists.

For brain fatigue caused by everyday stress, natural fixes can safely bring back your mental focus. They can help keep your neurons healthy until well into your golden years.

What Factors Can Boost Neuroplasticity?

The main promoter of brain plasticity is brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which affects all parts of the nerve cell. It is most abundant in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. The factors that increase BDNF levels act by one or a combination of the following mechanisms:

Brain Stimulation

Neuronal excitation enhances BDNF, leading to synaptogenesis and LTP. Activities that can excite the neurons include brain exercises, physical activity, social interaction, etc.

Decreased Blood Sugar

Fasting exposes your brain to acute stress, which also boosts BDNF levels. Other activities that can lead to the peak ketotic state, like sleep, exercise, and the ketogenic diet, may also enhance BDNF release. 

decreased blood sugar

Stress Reduction

Chronic stress leads to the buildup of stress hormones in the body. It decreases BDNF levels and presents as cognitive impairment, depression and demotivation. Stress management by sleep, meditation, breathing exercises, etc. can push BDNF levels back to normal.

Brain Nourishment

Research shows that some heart-healthy eats also directly benefit the brain. Proper nutrition is good for overall health, but your neurons need "brain-healthy nutrients" to protect them from chronic inflammation and early decline.


Increasing BDNF levels enhances brain health and leads to adaptive neuroplasticity. Both manifest clinically as hippocampal enlargement, cognitive improvement, mood balance and overall satisfaction with life . So if you want to rev up your weary neurons, boosting your BDNF may help.

What Factors Can Curb Neuroplasticity?

Exposures that can reduce neuroplasticity or produce maladaptive patterns include:

Poor Lifestyle

Chronic fatigue, emotional tension and lack of sleep all lead to chronic stress. Alcohol, smoking and bad dietary choices fry your neurons with toxins. Physical inactivity and too much screen time leave your brain unchallenged. All these can lower your BDNF levels.

Environmental Pollution

Modern life has created many conveniences but has also damaged the environment. Pollutants can also poison your neurons, producing a wide range of symptoms—from subtle ones like forgetfulness to severe ones like unconsciousness.


Sickness can reduce neuroplasticity in various ways. Severe disease can produce symptoms of brain fog. They can go away or improve by combining medical care with rehabilitative therapy and good nutrition. 

These factors impair your neurons by inhibiting BDNF secretion, causing direct injury or both. Addressing them early limits the damage and maximizes the benefits of neuroplasticity.


Brain-Recovery Foods: How Crucial Is Nutrition in Overcoming Brain Fog?

Nutrition directly impacts mental and athletic performance.

For instance, nutritional deficiencies can damage the neurons, causing mental fatigue, weak senses, movement difficulties, etc. Doctors correct the deficit by vitamin or mineral supplementation. People can regain mental clarity and go back to their usual after medical therapy and rehabilitation.

In cases where a nutrient deficiency is not the cause of brain fog, good nutrition always complements medical treatment. A brain-healthy diet helps restore the neurons by the following mechanisms:

  • It maintains structures and replenishes used-up nutrients.
  • It provides energy to power up the brain.
  • It protects from further injury.
  • It maintains proper function.
  • It enhances neuroplasticity. Not all food types are rich in nutrients that can boost this ability.

Some nutrients are known to promote brain health and plasticity by stimulating BDNF secretion and other mechanisms. They include:

  • Alpha-glycerophosphocholine (Alpha-GPC) - the easily-absorbed form of choline. Choline does more than maintain the myelin sheath. It is also crucial to brain fat metabolism and is an important ingredient of acetylcholine, the memory neurotransmitter.
  • Curcumin - protects the brain from toxins and infection. It reduces LTD in vital neural networks, like those involved in learning and memory. It also helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease by delaying the formation of tau proteins.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids - have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. DHA, in particular, primes synapses for development.
  • Trans-resveratrol - optimizes cerebral blood flow, neutralizes oxidative stress and combats inflammation. It also reduces tau protein formation and the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Uridine - a building block of nucleic acids and is essential in neurogenesis, immunity and energy production.
  • Vitamin C - necessary for making neurotransmitters that enhance mental focus and motivation. Vitamin C bolsters your brain's immunity, protects it from oxidative stress and increases important synaptic proteins.

These nutrients' actions make them important neuroplasticity inducers. So if you want to recharge your brain, don't choose just any food. Choose brain fog foods and get a good helping of these vitamins.

What Are the Best Brain Fog Foods to Kickstart Plasticity and Help Your Neurons Bounce Back?

The MIND diet has been proven to enhance adaptive neuroplasticity and prevent cognitive decline.

"MIND" stands for "Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay."

"DASH" stands for "Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension."

The MIND diet includes the following food groups:

  • Uridine-rich dark green vegetables, such as broccoli. You need at least 6 servings a week.
  • Other vegetables. They include curcumin-rich turmeric root, but you need different types every day to optimize this group's benefits. Have at least 1 serving daily.
  • Nuts, particularly walnuts, which have high omega-3 fatty acid content. You need at least 5 servings a week.
  • Berries, such as blueberries and strawberries, which are good sources of trans-resveratrol and vitamin C. You need at least 2 servings weekly.
  • Beans, which are rich in fiber and protein. Soybeans are particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids. You need at least 3 servings a week of a variety of beans.
  • Whole grains, which are healthy energy sources. You need at least 3 servings daily.
  • Fish, which is a good protein source. Small fatty fish are high in omega-3s but have low mercury content. You need 1 serving a week.
  •  Poultry, which includes eggs and skinless poultry meat. Eggs have high levels of alpha-GPC, while lean poultry meat is a good protein source. You need 2 servings weekly.
  • Olive oil, which has healthy fats that protect the heart and the brain's blood supply. You can use it regularly for cooking.


You must likewise limit your intake of the following:

  • Pastries and sweets, which raise your blood sugar levels and diabetes mellitus risk. Diabetes mellitus damages neurons. Take no more than 5 servings of these foods a week.
  • Red meat, butter, margarine, and cheese, which contain high amounts of unhealthy fats. They are also often served salty, which means that they may also be high in sodium. All of them can increase your risk for heart disease and stroke. Take only up to 4 servings of red meat weekly. Butter and margarine should be limited to 1 tablespoon daily. Have cheese no more than once a week.
  • Fast food contains high amounts of sugar, unhealthy fats and sodium. Have no more than 1 serving a week.
  • Healthy people on the MIND diet may include one serving of red wine daily if they choose, but it is not mandatory. This drink is made from grapes, which are rich in trans-resveratrol. However, it also contains alcohol, which can worsen mental fuzziness or any illness. It is best not to take it when you have a medical condition. You may get your dose of trans-resveratrol from a safer source.


Experts agree that the MIND diet's success is more from the combined effects of multiple brain-healthy nutrients and not just one. Therefore, to jumpstart neuroplasticity and regain your mental focus, you need to make sure that you're getting these food groups in the recommended amounts.

However, if you have an active lifestyle or are dealing with tremendous stress, it's easy to lose track of what you eat. Don't worry! Doctor-formulated Cover Three Brain Assist got you covered! This yummy, all-natural smoothie is loaded with all the brain plasticity enhancers that you need.


Read what our clients say about Brain Assist.

“Amazing! This stuff really works! I have used Cover Three for a couple of years now, and this is a great addition to their product line-up. I bought this for my mother, who has been struggling with her memory for a while now and has struggled even more since she had COVID. In just about a week of using this every day, she said she saw an improvement in her memory, and it feels like her head is clearer than it has been in a while. I'm excited to see how this continues to help as she uses it for an even longer period of time.”


Remember: the sooner you get your Brain Assist, the sooner you can give your neurons a reboot!


Neuroplasticity is the brain's main mechanism for restoring itself and getting rid of brain fog. It has adaptive and maladaptive forms. Neuroplasticity is activated by BDNF, a growth factor that increases with acute stress and decreases with chronic stress.

Good nutrition also raises BDNF levels. The MIND diet is a nutritional strategy proven to enhance adaptive neuroplasticity, improve brain health and protect from cognitive decline. Experts agree that its effectiveness lies in the synergy between different BDNF enhancers and not just one. Doctor-formulated Brain Assist is the total neuroplasticity supplement that has them all.

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